Tuesday 18 December 2012

Visit to Westdale

Both 6Wo and 6We, along with students from Westgrove School, had the pleasure of visiting Westdale School this morning to watch their various bands perform.   Mr. Boch led three tunes with his full Symphonic Band, three holiday tunes with his grade nine students, and two tunes with the jazz band.   They were fantastic! 

After the performance, our students had the opportunity to ask questions of both Mr. Boch and of the band members.  It was great to hear about the different instruments on display, and about the organization of the Westdale band program.  Being a "band geek" myself (during my youth I played French Horn with the Army Cadet program for 7 years) I really enjoyed hearing the new tunes each of the bands had prepared for us.  

Besides the fabulous music, my personal favourite moment of the morning was when Mr. Boch asked the audience, "Have you ever heard of the blues?", to which one of our students responded, "Do you mean the hockey team?".   I had a good chuckle, and realized that maybe it was time to whip out some of my B.B. King, Etta James, George Thorogood and John Lee Hooker tunes!

Thanks Mr. Boch, students and Westdale School!

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