Thursday 14 November 2013

Genius Hour: exploring our Passion

It is an exciting time to be in 5/6We!  I am pleased to announce that we are trying out an innovative new project in our class that we have named "Genius Hour".  Based on the principles of Google's "20% Time", where employees are encouraged to learn about or work on their passion for 20% of their workday,  Genius Hour is a program where students get the opportunity to deviate from the prescribed curriculum to explore their passions.

As our classroom schedule makes it difficult to block off the 63 minutes a day (or 20% time) suggested, we are going to try to scaffold each Day 5 to support students in their passion projects.  In addition to being a day without Phys Ed or Music classes, we have both scheduled library and computer lab time to support the research necessary for the success of each project.  Throughout the past week, students have been reflecting on their likes and strengths, and I have already met with most to mold their interest into an "essential question", ready for exploration and research.  This weekend, students will be bringing home a passion project folder- explaining their topic, their essential question, and outlining their plan for completion.  Please review your child's plan with them, and remember that any feedback you can give your child is invaluable.

The project proposal's so far are very exciting, and include:

-How are hockey sticks designed?  What is the science involved?

-How can I modify a RC car to increase its speed?

-Why is it that only baseball pitchers need "Tommy John" surgery? 

-What tools can I use to create my own adventure-based video game?

-What are the steps involved in designing and sewing a top?

The true purpose of Genius Hour and Passion Projects is to allow students to develop the internal desire to learn, improve their digital literacy and presentation skills, practice research skills, and create a product or learn about something they find personally meaningful.  We are well on our way, and I am looking forward to seeing some amazing projects!

Here are some links to teacher blogs about why they use Genius Hour in their classrooms:

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