Wednesday 28 May 2014

Personal Device

So you think I am on my phone too much. You don't ask me about it, but you talk about it at every turn and at anyone who will listen.

You are right.  I am on MY phone.

I am taking pictures of our learning.

I am uploading photos of our Art to the Artsonia website. 

I am posting photos of our learning and activities to our blog, to Instagram, to twitter.

I am looking up information for a student's project.

I am checking the forecast for a student's baseball game tonight.

I am booking recess appointments on my calendar.

I am making notes about a student's learning on my notepad.

I am using the Running Record app to record and assess students' reading.

I am using the Word Lens app to translate some Spanish we found in a library book.

I am using the calculator to check our calculations during our lesson on Volume.

I am sending out reminders using the Remind 101 app to parents about permission slips.

Yes.  I am on MY phone. 

Not a device provided by the school division.

And I use it everyday, several times a day.


1 comment:

  1. Great post - I can't imagine having to function as a classroom teacher without my smart phone and tablet, as I do many of the same things mentioned here to help enrich my students' days at school, and to share their learning with others!
